What Happens At Your Baby’s First Dental Checkup?


Parents should take their children to their first dental checkup whenever the first tooth starts showing. Dental appointments for small children are essential, mainly because children cannot signal when their tooth hurts or when they feel any discomfort in their mouth. By taking your child to the children’s dentist Ramsey, she will perform a checkup and ensure everything is in order.

Besides looking for early signs of dental decay, the dentist will also provide recommendations on other conditions requiring treatment. To keep your child’s teeth healthy and protected from decay, take proactive steps to repair any dental enamel defects. It is important for parents to recognize the early signs of tooth decay so that timely intervention can prevent further damage.

The first dental visit of your child can also be regarded as an educational dental visit for the parent. This is when you will learn about many important oral hygiene tips and tricks that you should perform for your child and many nutritional tips that should be followed for good oral health. The children’s dentist Ramsey will teach you how to brush your child’s teeth correctly or when to start flossing. The dentist will guide you through the process of a dental cleaning so that you will know how to perform good dental hygiene for your child at home.Children’s dentists also provide dietary counselling for children. Many acidic and sweet foods and drinks can significantly damage your child’s dental health, so you will learn many essential tips. Should your child drink the juice from the bottle or a sippy cup? Well, the ADA advises against the use of a bottle or sippy cup for juice. Also, many teething biscuits available contain too much sugar, and you should avoid giving your child these biscuits. You can quickly learn how to encourage your child to snack on healthier options, thus protecting their dental health from an early age.
The first dental visit is the perfect time to start asking the dentist any questions or concerns about your child’s oral health.

Specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a warm, caring and "child-friendly" environment.