What Can You Do if your Child is Afraid of the Dentist

Bergen County nj kids dental care

So, you have found the best Bergen County nj kids dental care office, but you don’t know how to calm down your child and help him overcome his anxiety. As a parent, there are plenty of things that you can do to prepare your child for the first visit and help him fight off the feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety. One very important rule is to start with regular dental visits at an early age. This way, you can help your child become well acquainted with the entire routine, and after some time he will not feel any stress or anxiety when you need to visit the dentist.

Then, you should always choose a Bergen County nj kids dental care office- meaning that you should opt for a pediatric dentist who is specifically trained to offer dental care to children. Pediatric dentists need to go through an extra 2 to 3 years of training where they study child psychology and child development, and thus they can communicate differently with their little patients. For example, a pediatric dentist will often use the tell-show-do technique- where they inform children about what exactly they are going to do and then run a short demonstration before performing the treatment. Pediatric dentists also use their communication skills to distract kids from what is happening, they tell stories or invite kids to look at the TV while they perform the treatment.

Pediatric dentists rely heavily on positive reinforcement- something that you practice at home as a parent when your child achieves something. Dentists offer kids colored balloons, snacks, etc. and they offer their compliments to the little courageous patients. These will help kids forget about the stress and fear of going to the dentist. Therefore, it is so important to choose a good pediatric dentist for your child. Invest quality time into research and don’t forget to read reviews and comments to ensure that the dentistry office is indeed the one that you are looking for?

Specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a warm, caring and "child-friendly" environment.