Does My Child Need Retainers?

best pediatric dentist in Glen Rock

From the moment that our children start growing their baby teeth, we have to start keeping them clean and teaching our children how to take care of their oral health.  This will better prepare your children for when they’re permanent teeth start growing.  Once the teeth are fully grown, you may be thinking about how to straighten their smile.  Although many people consider braces as their first option, retainers can also be a great choice in some circumstances.


Why Retainers Are Used

Retainers are plastic molds that are custom-made for each person.  These retainers are created to fit the top of your child’s teeth and mouth perfectly.  After children get braces, they are usually given retainers to ensure that their teeth stay in the right position.  Other kids, however, use retainers as a replacement for braces.  This is because retainers can be used to close gaps between their teeth.


Retainers can also be used for other reasons, such as tongue thrust, which is a condition where the tongue goes in front of the teeth while you talk.  In this situation, the specially designed retainer will prevent the tongue from going forward when your child speaks.  They can also be utilized for bite problems or teeth grinding at night.


Wearing a Retainer

As mentioned, retainers are created to fit your child’s teeth, which is done with alginate.  When your child first gets their retainer, it may feel weird or uncomfortable at first; they may even notice that talking is more difficult.  That being said, they’ll get used to it with time.  Since each situation is different, the best pediatric dentist in Glen Rock will advise you and your child on how to use it, which includes how long they’ll need to wear it, when to wear it (all day or just at night, for example), and even how to clean it.


When you talk with the best pediatric dentist in Glen Rock, they’ll inform you on whether they recommend braces or retainers.  To set an appointment, give us a call at Pediatric Dental Associates.


Specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a warm, caring and "child-friendly" environment.