Dental Injuries in Children

When Should Children See a Dentist for the First Time

A dental injury in a child can be frightening and worrying for both the parent and the child. Dental injuries can happen from a fall, playing sports, falling with the bike, and many other such kids’ regular activities. However, if you are prepared for such an accident, you will immediately know what to do in the case of a chipped tooth, a knocked-out tooth, or a cracked tooth. Injuries can happen to baby and permanent teeth, and a dentist for kids Allendale can help remedy the problem. Until you reach the dentist’s office, you can do a few things as a parent to help alleviate pain and ensure comfort for your child.

In some extreme cases, the tooth can become wholly detached from its socket. Dental injuries in kids can lead to pain, swelling, bleeding, discomfort, and dental sensitivity, depending on the severity of the damage. All these issues can frighten the child a lot, so you must be prepared to offer some first aid before reaching the dentist for kids Allendale.

First and foremost, you need to stay calm. Your child is already agitated and scared, so you should not show any panic to make things worse. Your child is frightened and may panic and cry, but you must keep calm and consider how to ease the pain and discomfort. You should reassure the child that the injury will be treated and contact the pediatric dentist for more instructions.

Find the injured area and apply firm pressure to stop the bleeding. If your child bleeds because of a tooth injury, tell your child to bite down on sterile gauze to stop the bleeding. By applying pressure, you will notice that the bleeding will slow down, and your child will also calm down. It would be best if you also collected any tooth pieces that you can find because the dentist may use these pieces to reconstruct the tooth or build a dental cover for the injured youth.

Specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a warm, caring and "child-friendly" environment.