At What Age Should a Child See the Dentist?

dentist children

Unfortunately, most parents do not know that toddlers can develop cavities. When your child gets his first tooth, he is already exposed to many dental problems. Therefore, it is so important to see a children’s dentist Ramsey as soon as possible. The American Dental Association advises parents to take their children for their first dental checkup by age 1.
– Do you need to take your child to the dentist?
– At what age should the child see the dentist?
– What happens on the first visit to the dentist?
– Should you choose a children’s dentist Ramsey, or a family dentist?

Statistics show that up to about 20% of American kids between the ages of 2 and 5 struggle with dental cavities. Those children who see the pediatric dentist early will not have to endure pain and discomfort or other complications caused by dental cavities. Can early dental visits help reduce the risk of dental cavities in kids? On your child’s first dental visit, even you, as a parent, will learn plenty of valuable and practical information on protecting your child’s teeth. Also, suppose your child’s teeth already show signs of dental decay? It is vital to address dental health problems before they become more serious, such as a cavity being formed. Your child dentist can help by reversing the issue and preventing further complications down the line.

When dental decay is left untreated, it can become problematic and lead to more complex infections. Younger kids cannot communicate many of their feelings, so they cannot tell you that their tooth hurts. This is yet another reason to consider taking your child to the dentist regularly for a general checkup. Taking your little one to the dentist before they turn one will help prevent dental pain, infections, and discomfort for your child. On the first dental visit, the dentist will look for any signs of dental decay and other oral health conditions that may require treatment.

Specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a warm, caring and "child-friendly" environment.