What’s The Ideal Age To Start Seeing An Orthodontist?


Pediatric Dental Associates is an orthodontist Midland Park company. They operate all throughout the Ridgewood, New Jersey area, offering free orthodontic evaluations and top quality orthodontic services. They also specialize in pediatric dentistry, and all things related to making your child’s smile immaculate.

Have you ever had a look around the class when picking your child up at school? Have you noticed that an increasing number of kids in elementary school are popping up with braces? Strange isn’t it? You probably pondered to yourself, who in the world even gave the green light to let this happen? Surely these kids still have baby teeth! What good could possibly come of straightening out a mouth full of teeth that will surely fall out within the next one to two years?

Allow us to explain. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontist appointments by the tender age of seven. No orthodontist will go straight to braces right off the bat in the first meeting. This first session is simply to get a feel for how your child’s teeth are progressing. Here’s what you can expect your child’s orthodontist to look for.

1. What baby teeth have already fallen out and what permanent teeth are beginning to erupt?

The general rule is that kids should start losing their teeth around the age of six. Within the next two or so years, they should have lost their eight ‘primary’ teeth. It doesn’t take long after the first batch has fallen out that the new, permanent incisors begin to make their first appearances. This is also right around the age that the first molars should begin to emerge. If the orthodontist finds that the child is showing no signs of new teeth coming in, or if the child has yet to lose any baby teeth, that could be an indication that the child has a developmental disorder.

2. Is the child showing any signs of crowding or spacing issues?

Abnormal spacing of teeth is extremely common. In fact, that’s the number one reason for getting braces. The most likely culprit for poor spacing is that one or more of the child’s teeth had fallen out early. Another potential reason could be that the replacement teeth took an unusually long time to grow in. It’s also possible that the child’s teeth are just simply too small. Crowding can be a bit more problematic and may require tooth removal later in life. In any case, the earlier that the orthodontist can determine what kinds of issues lie ahead, the more effective of a plan he or she can make moving forward.

3. What is the status of the child’s alignment?

As we mentioned, between six and eight is the age that the primary permanent teeth should start showing up. That’s why seven is the age that children should see their orthodontist for the first time. When permanent teeth are first forming, they are more susceptible to trauma. Children are also a lot clumsier than adults, and they tend to trip and fall a lot more. A few blows to the front teeth could knock their alignment out of whack for years. But along that same reasoning, correcting misalignment is also far easier when the orthodontist addresses the issue early on.

That’s why you see so many of your child’s classmates showing up to school with braces. It’s not that they don’t have their baby teeth yet. Rather, it’s that their permanent teeth have just recently formed, which is the perfect time to set them straight. Literally.

We are Pediatric Dental Associates in Ridgewood. We offer the best orthodontist Midland Park services, sure to leave your child with straighter, whiter, healthier teeth. We offer free ortho evaluations at our office. Is your child right around that age? Time to set up an orthodontist appointment? Give us a call today at (201) 652-7020 and let’s have a look!

Specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a warm, caring and "child-friendly" environment.