A Message To The Folks Who Just Got Their Braces Off

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As the leading orthodontist Wyckoff services provider who really knows its stuff, Pediatric Dental Associates in Ridgewood would like to commend you for your commitment to the plan throughout your time with braces or Invisalign. Keeping your aligner trays in for a days is one thing. Keeping them in for a week if a step further. But to remain committed for the entire time is an accomplishment that stands in a league of its own. So with that said, we’d just like to say congratulations. You earned it.

Now, moving forward. What lies ahead? Are you free to eat all the sweets you want and never again think about your teeth for as long as you live? If that’s what you were hoping for then we have some unfortunate news for you. The fact of the matter is that dental hygiene is a lifetime commitment. So if you want to hold on to that gorgeous smile you’ve worked so hard to attain over the years, then you’re going to have to keep up the good work.

Don’t get us wrong. Not having braces is far more comfortable and less cumbersome than having them. So if you’ve made it through your time with brace or Invisalign, then the worst is behind you. Now it’s time to establish so good old fashion healthy habits to follow for the rest of your life.

Brushing and Flossing

If you were good during your time with the braces, then this step should be a breeze for you. But we feel it’s always good to reiterate the fact that brushing matters! All too many patients think the reward for discipline during their time with the braces means total neglect once you take them off. The reality is anything but. Because now you’ll really have no excuse for smelly breath and yellow teeth. Now the fault lies on your lap. You have a beautiful smile that at one point in your life you could only dream of. Let’s keep it that way.

Wearing Your Retainer

In most cases, patients need only put in their retainers before bed. If you had Invisalign, then you’re probably already accustomed to having something in your mouth before bed anyway. If you had braces and are now enjoying the oh so sweet freedom of having them off, then this section of the article’s for you. This is a crucial point in your dental hygiene career. At long last, you made it to the other side and now we’re telling you there’s more. We’re here to tell you that within a couple of weeks, the retainer won’t even bother you. But it’s very crucial that in those first two weeks you make the effort to wear it to bed. Because if you don’t, all that pain you went through for that smile will be for nought.

Routine Checkups

A routine cleaning every six months makes a bigger difference than you think. In all likelihood, you will have several nights per week in which you don’t do as thorough of a job brushing or flossing as you should. Over time, those nights build up and if you neglect to do something about it, those nights will lead to cavities. But with a little help from a dental hygienist, you’ll be good as new, and it only takes about 30 minutes per session.

Give us a call today and ask us about our orthodontist Wyckoff services. You can reach us during business hours by dialing (201) 652-7024.

Specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a warm, caring and "child-friendly" environment.